
Acupuncture to Improve Fertility With Added Natural Remedies

If you are suffering from infertility issues, then acupuncture can be a good remedy. It is a traditional method in China that spikes thin needles on specific body points to improve blood flow. The procedure is believed to be effective in boosting hormones and relieving stress. These two factors can cause a person difficulty in conceiving a child whereas acupuncture can help.

Acupuncture and Infertility

Even experts have no certain answer to the question, does acupuncture improve fertility?

The truth is, many studies have been conducted beginning in 2016 to find out how acupuncture can impact infertility. There was no solid evidence that the treatment works not until 2018 when the experts examined 800 women undergoing IVF. They use two methods, traditional and sham acupuncture, to see its various effects. The result has only a few discrepancies that do not guarantee the use of acupuncture to cure infertility.

That being said, is acupuncture safe for your health?

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health claims that acupuncture is safe. However, FDA points out the use of proper equipment, like clean and nontoxic needles to eliminate potential risks.

If you finally decided to undergo acupuncture, look for a licensed practitioner with proper knowledge and training. This will guarantee that you are in good hands from the start to the end of the procedure.

Natural Remedies to Improve Sperm Counts

Fertility rates continue to decline in the past years and an unhealthy lifestyle is among its major causes. Though acupuncture can be a good option, there is still no better way to choose natural remedies to boost sperm count. These include:

  1. Exercise

According to studies, obesity has a negative impact on sperm count. Exercising is the best way to easily lose weight if done regularly. A person can pursue an exercise program that will last for weeks with visible results. It might include aerobics and other cardio exercises for a healthier lifestyle. Do not also neglect sleeping within the desired hours to replenish strength and energy.

  1. Quit Bad Habits

Among the reasons why a person suffers from infertility is due to bad habits. It could be drugs, alcohol, and even smoking that n reduce sperm count. Avoiding these unhealthy habits can help improve fertility.

  1. Proper Diet

Regular Exercise would not be enough without eating the right foods. Antioxidants are among the nutrients that can develop healthy sperm counts as it restores damaged cells. It includes vitamin C, lutein, and many more minerals that the body needs.

Increasing your fat intake also has a positive effect on infertility. Add healthy fats into your diets, such as omega-3 and omega-6 supplements. Experts suggest males reduce trans fat consumption to have a healthier sperm count.

Moreover, calcium deficiency can reduce sperm count but you can prevent it by taking more Vitamin D. It will boost your blood levels and ease fertility issues over time.

  1. Be Aware of Taking Medications

Not all prescription medications are good for your health. That is why consulting a doctor is necessary before taking any type of medicine to avoid bad side effects. You can search online the list of medications that should be avoided when you are dealing with infertility issues.

  1. Do Not Be Exposed to Chemicals

Toxic chemicals are threatening your sperm count and overall health. People who work in an environment that is full of contaminants are putting their fertility in great danger. The best solution is to not expose yourself or if not possible, just limiting your exposure to toxins can help.

Treatment Alternatives For Infertility

Fertility specialists from Cryos International offer many different methods for couples or single parents experiencing infertility. Changing your lifestyle, as mentioned above, is an excellent first start to preventing infertility. It may take time to develop a better sperm count, but consistently making healthy decisions can speed up results.

Side Effects of Acupuncture

Since acupuncture involves the use of multiple needles, surely, there will be side effects and risks. It is possible to suffer from injury when the needle pierces through the skin deeper than it should be. A punctured lung is one of the rare cases if acupuncture did not work well. This is why going to a licensed acupuncturist must be taken seriously for providing safety.

Below is a list of perils when experiencing acupuncture:

  • Bruises on where the needles are shot. This is normal a few hours after the treatment but if it lasts for several days, you better make an appointment.
  • Needles should be properly cleaned to prevent infection.
  • A blood clot is a rare side effect of acupuncture.

Final Thoughts

Using acupuncture for fertility is 100% safe with the right practitioner who can help. However, it is not the ultimate solution for infertility but a good start if you want to boost sperm count. You can also expect plenty of side effects and potential risks along with the procedure. Some of the effects of acupuncture are not that dangerous unless they cause deeper injuries. Considering natural remedies can also treat infertility issues. It includes exercising with a proper diet, avoiding bad habits, and being aware of the medications you intake. In addition to that, acupuncture is an approved treatment for stress and irregular blood flow if done by professionals.

Contact a licensed acupuncturist to get started with infertility treatment. Nonetheless, desire to live healthily for the best possible outcome.


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